That's what the ultrasound tech called Mini today. As a big black blob jumped onto the screen, we realized that's our little one!
Let me back up a minute: We weren't scheduled to see my OB until February 8
th, two weeks from today. Last night I started experiencing some weird pinching on my right side, near my ovary. I tried to ignore the small feeling of panic and went to sleep. This morning the pain intensified and started to feel almost like it was pulsing. I decided to call the Dr's office, hoping they would tell me to relax. Not so much. Instead, they asked me to come in for an U/S. And the panic hit a new level!
I immediately called E and couldn't reach him by cell so I did something I NEVER do... I called his office. They put me through and as soon as he picked up the phone I started bawling. I was so scared something would be wrong with our Mini Marsh. E was with a client but got away as soon as he could and came with me to the appointment.
I was so anxious that we ended up being 20 minutes early. They got us in right away and told me to get myself ready for a (sorry Dad) vaginal U/S. I've never dropped my pants so fast! I hopped up on that table like a pro, praying the whole time that this wouldn't be an ectopic pregnancy. After a few, um, uncomfortable seconds the wand was in and I saw the most beautiful picture: the sac that will become our baby!
So back to that stabbing pain thing; turns out I have a cyst on my ovary and another one that recently ruptured. The tech wasn't concerned and neither is my OB. They are having me come in again next week just to check on my progress. I measured at 4 weeks 5 days which is right in line with my calculations. Mini is still the size of a poppy seed.
What started as one of the scariest days of my adult life ended with one of the most touching; meeting my child, my husband holding my hand the entire time, and bringing home
Mini's very first picture. I am so in love!