So we hit a major milestone on February 8th. We heard Mini's heartbeat for the first time! I seriously felt like I was listening to a composer's masterpiece symphony, that's how proud and in awe I was during the sono. It was 132 bpm (beats per minute) which the tech says is right on track for baby's size (at the time 5weeks, 5 days). Our next appointment is on Tuesday, March 8th. This whole waiting game is tough for a nervous nellie like me.
After we heard the heartbeat I felt compelled to make a few, ahem, baby purchases. I actually thought I showed quite a bit of restraint for not going nuts before.
I knew Mini had to have a Sophie the Giraffe chew toy because... well... we just do. I mean, it's a giraffe who "lives" in Paris and is named Sophie. Like it was made to be part of this family : )
Everyone wants to know if and when we will find out if Mini is a boy or a girl. Yes, we plan to do the anatomy scan but it probably won't happen until the beginning of May. That seems so far off at this point, but then I realize how far we've already come. I honestly can't wait for the 1st Trimester, the "danger zone," to be behind us and then I want to enjoy every minute of this pregnancy!
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