First up, the latest bump pic even though it's technically outdated. This was taken last Friday at 22weeks 1 day. We hit 23 weeks today and Mini is the size of a papaya, which just happens to be on sale this week at the grocery!

We had the latest Dr's appointment last Monday and they performed another ultrasound to check out a chyroid cyst on Mini's brain. The cyst is gone!!!! The u/s tech told me they usually just disappear as development progresses, but I was still anxious to get the all clear. Baby boy was waving his little arms and blinking his eyelids during the exam. We even caught him sucking his lips. So in love!
We also traveled to Indianapolis to check out some nursery furniture. Originally I had planned to go with a different set but after seeing it in person we decided the side rails were too flimsy. Lucky for us (and for Mini) the store was having a floor model sale! We scored this beautiful crib and a side table on super sale and we ordered a matching dresser.

Next up on the nursery to-do list: paint. After a few weeks of studious perusing of paint samples we settled on the Fresh Pear color from Valspar. Little did we know the soothing green would end up a shocking neon once it covered Mini's walls!

We got through one coat before deciding we needed a Plan B. We are currently debating our next choice (which we WILL be purchasing a sample of before going through with it).
During our painting marathon with my in-laws which also included living room, kitchen and hallways (thanks Bill and Carol!!!!) we heard the doorbell ring and found our wonderful neighbor Jen holding this beautiful diaper cake.

So that's the latest from Casa Marshall. We will hopefully be repainting the nursery this weekend and I will report back with the (finger crossed) better results.
That diaper cake is too cute! I can't believe your 22 (23 weeks?) already! Where does the time go!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the paint! We had a similar reaction to our pink walls, but once they dried it toned down a lot so luckily no repainting for Travis!
You look great!
ReplyDeleteThanks ladies! We are all so close I can't believe it.