First an updated bump pic. Fair warning... this belly is bare!
Still giving you fair warning to look away
One last chance!

So tomorrow is September 1st. As in, "we're having a baby this month" September. There is also a good chance that baby boy will be here a week early if he stays in his current breech position. September 1st + stubborn baby birth plan = mildly freaked out mama!
I don't know why it is just hitting me this week. I've known the chances of him coming early were pretty high since my Dr. first mentioned the position a few weeks ago. But when you start thinking in days instead of weeks or months, it has a tendency to hit you straight between the eyes and incite panic.
Don't get me wrong... I am extremely excited to meet our Mini man. I am so curious about what/who he looks like, what his personality will be, and how we will adapt as a family. I guess it's just a bit of reality and nostalgia: it will never be "just me" again. Eric and I won't have as many opportunities to run around as we please. Even trips to see our family will be completely different. And I'm looking forward to all of that, but still slightly sad at the same time. Does that make sense?
So I say to you, August 31st, please hold on for a few more hours. Let me soak you in and spend your final countdown enjoying the peace and quiet of our home, hopefully snuggled up with our first baby who is also in for quite the shock.
I will welcome you September 1st with open arms. I'm just not quite ready yet.