Total weight gain/loss: I think I've definitely started to gain. Every pair of work pants is now super snug and I have to unbutton halfway through the day.
Maternity clothes: Full time maternity jeans on the weekends. Still wearing normal tops.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: Back to not sleeping well and waking up umpteen times a night to pee.
Best moment this week: Telling all of my co-workers and E's office!
Movement: Technically I know it's still too early, but I swear I've felt some "pops" in my lower abdomen. Maybe wishful thinking (or more gas!)
Food cravings/aversions: Jelly beans. I must have them daily! And macaroni and cheese is still a fan favorite.
Belly button in or out: Still an innie.
What I miss/What I am looking forward to: I miss wearing pants comfortably and wearing undies without constantly feeling like I am fighting a wedgie.
Looking forward to celebrating my birthday this weekend!
Symptoms: Still fighting the lower back and now my chest has decided to get in on the growing pain fun. Yay!