How Far Along: 11 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 0 pounds so far.
Maternity clothes: Wore my maternity jeans over the weekend while we traveled 5.5 hours to visit my BFF. Just couldn't handle the tummy squishing that goes on with my regular stand-bys.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: I sleep well but still feel tired all the time.
Best moment this week: Realizing we are almost 3 months along!
Movement: Too early
Food cravings/aversions: Cravings are still running the sweet gambit. Cookies, candy, ice cream. I want it all! My only aversion right now is chicken breast.
Belly button in or out: Still an innie.
What I miss/What I am looking forward to: I really want to get back into a workout routine. I feel like my booty is already spreading.
Looking forward to being able to share our news with everyone next week!
Symptoms: I still get quite bloated at night but my breakouts have calmed down. I wake up starving even when I eat a snack before bed. And let the multiple overnight trips to the bathroom begin!
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